About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Andrew was born in London, UK, raised in Toronto, Canada, and cavorted in Ohtawara, Japan for three years. He is married, has a son, a cat named Freddy and a dog named Shaggy (after the dudes in Scooby-Doo). He has over 35,000 comic books and a plethora of pioneer aviation-related tobacco and sports cards and likes to build LEGO dioramas. Along with writing for a monthly industrial magazine, he also writes comic books and hates writing in the 3rd person. He also hates having to write this crap that no one will ever read. He also writes an aviation blog: Pioneers Of Aviation ( https://av8rblog.wordpress.com/ ) - a cool blog on early fliers. He also wants to do more writing - for money, though. Help him out so he can stop talking in the 3rd person.

Friday, December 24, 2010

People Who Say Happy Holidays

You know what I hate? People who say 'Happy Holidays' when they should be saying 'Merry Christmas!'
It's not Happy Holidays! It's Merry Christmas! And, should you be so inclined, you can also add: Have a Happy New Year!

Granted not everyone celebrates Christmas - and it's perfectly fine to say Happy Hannukah to your Jewish friends (though Hannukah is over)or Happy Kwanza to those that celebrate Kwanza.

But here in Canada and in the U.S. (and other western societies), our countries were based upon Christian ideals. Yes, our countries should have religious tolerance - that's what makes our countries stand-out in a good way. But, we shouldn't have to lose our own cultural identity just so we don't offend others.
Really... what's wrong with saying Merry Christmas? I'm a Canadian born in England of India(n) descent. I'm Catholic. Christian in the bigger scale of things. And so is Canada. We have 'God save the Queen' all over our money - and money makes the world go round. The US says 'In God we trust' all over their moolah! In Canada, we believe in god. And, in this case, Canada's god is a Christian god.
We should be able to say Merry Christmas to whomever we want. If you find that offensive because you don't celebrate Christmas, tell us. Or, better yet, tell us but also remember to wish us a Merry Christmas, too. Most of us so-called Christians aren't idiots. We will gladly wish you on whatever holiday it is you are celebrating.
The term 'Merry Christmas' is NOT meant as an offensive phrase. It's a Canadian holiday. If it really bothers you, should you really be in a Christian country?
Canadians (speaking for MY country) we love to learn new things. Invite us out to a Bar Mitzvah! Invite us out for D'iwalli. Whatever. we like to have fun, and if we should learn something about your culture or religion - great!
But there is no reason why Canadians or Americans (et al) should feel bad about saying Merry Christmas.
And none of that X-mas crap, either. It's Christmas and you should all have a Merry Christmas!
If you don't like it, too bad. This is Canada. Get used to it. Try fitting in to Canadian social customs for a change!
Growing up in the 70s as a visible minority here in Canada, we had to fit in. People like me (and a ton of others before me), we took a lot of crap from a lot of bigots to be where we are today. Accepted as Canadians. Don't friggin' screw it up. Wish someone a Merry Christmas even if you are a Sikh, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Wiccan or an Atheist. Whatever. It's a Canadian holiday. Don't ruin it for the rest of us who do want to celebrate Christmas!
Have you ever heard the old saying: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"? This is Canada. When in Canada, do as the Canadians do and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I probably shouldn't have written this at 2:45 in the AM - but it's been ticking me off for a long while now.
You know what I hate? People who say 'Happy Holidays'.


  1. I care less about how I'm greeted than about mechants who beg for my Christmas shopping dollars while refusing to use the word "Christmas" in their ads.

    They can offer all the lame excuses they want, but we both know that they want a share of the BILLIONS of dollars that Americans spend on Christmas gifts.

    Therefore, I recommend BOYCOTTING merchants who want a share of those Christmas dollars but refuse to ask for them by name. There are still plenty of other merchants to buy from.

    1. Yeah! That's actually a good idea! What's wrong with Christmas?! Nothing. If you don't like it, don't celebrate it. Beats me why everyone else has to suffer - having rights taken away because it might be offensive to some.
      Canada - where I am located - is such a wimp when it comes to political correctness. We take it too far. Now... how do we start a boycott?

  2. Brilliant Andrew, Merry Christmas :)


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