About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Andrew was born in London, UK, raised in Toronto, Canada, and cavorted in Ohtawara, Japan for three years. He is married, has a son, a cat named Freddy and a dog named Shaggy (after the dudes in Scooby-Doo). He has over 35,000 comic books and a plethora of pioneer aviation-related tobacco and sports cards and likes to build LEGO dioramas. Along with writing for a monthly industrial magazine, he also writes comic books and hates writing in the 3rd person. He also hates having to write this crap that no one will ever read. He also writes an aviation blog: Pioneers Of Aviation ( https://av8rblog.wordpress.com/ ) - a cool blog on early fliers. He also wants to do more writing - for money, though. Help him out so he can stop talking in the 3rd person.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

People Who Don't look Where They Are Going

I know this one sounds pedestrian, but what burns my biscuits are people who walk out of doorways, corridors, elevators, shops et al without looking both ways before merging into walking traffic.

If these people drive, they obviously haven't carried their vehicular lessons with them to when they walk. Stop. Look both ways and proceed when clear. You don't even have to signal - which if you drove you probably wouldn't do anyways. D'uh.

These are the folks who are invariably on the cell phone or carrying a coffee when they walk perpendicular into your path. Guess which one I'd prefer to have spilled on me? The correct answer is neither!

People - get your head out of your a$$ and remember that there are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your me-first philosophy. (Okay, I may have slightly paraphrased that line from William Shakespeare's Hamlet - and if you aren't sure where, please go and read the play - or go and see it performed.)

What I'm using that wonderful phrase to mean is: to have a care - there are other people on this planet than just a cell phone, a coffee and thou.

I live in Toronto - the largest city in Canada with about 3-million people in it (though as far as size goes, it's got nothing on New York, Mexico City or Tokyo, but it is a busy little town). It is amazing how everyday  - several times a day, in fact - I have to be so friggin' alert to sidestep people who pop out in front of me.

I'll give them credit, pretty much everyone who has jumped out has said sorry - that's great. But pretend it's not you and I doing the side-stepping - pretend it's a not-so-spry senior citizen or a young child - someone could get hurt.

I know we are supposed to forgive those who trespass against us, but I'd rather not have to go to confession every time I go through the obstacle course while walking in a mall or up a downtown street (or down an uptown street for that matter).

Toronto is a big city, people. Full of nice and not-so nice people (I'm nice, but grumpy). Be aware of your surroundings and have a frickin' care. And that goes for the rest of you no matter where you live!

I'm not as spry as I used to be, so I'm eventually going to start landing on people - I'm 220-lb, so It's going to hurt.

I hate people who don't look where they are going.

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